Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I know this is a touchy subject and a lot of people have really strong opinions about vaccines and that is fine. However, I am not posting this to get into any debates about it, so if that is what you're  looking for please take it to another place.
My children get vaccinations. That is what my husband and I decided was best for our children. I know the risks, I know the benefits.
I am posting this because getting vaccines is not the most fun experience and can come with some common, unpleasant side effects and I want to share some things that we do for our kids to help with those.
My princesses are very mild mannered and usually extremely sweet but when we walk into the doctor's office the demons come out and all hell breaks loose. The screaming, the crying, the evil looks of "I can't believe you're making me go through this". It's a good time.
Here are some oils I like to help keep the demons at bay:

Balance. This is my pregame go to oil. I rub this on the back of their necks and behind their ears to help stabilize emotions. I also like to do this before we go shopping. It definitely helps with the meltdowns.
Lavender. This is a staple in my house, especially when it comes to my kids. Something wrong? Oh yeah, just go ahead and put some lavender on. In this case, I put it on immediately after injection. It helps with pain, inflammation and it's very calming and relaxing. If you've  ever had to hold an infant while those evil nurses stab them in the legs, you know that relaxing afterwards doesn't always come easy. Feel free to throw some on yourself too, mom. If this is your first kid, I bet it breaks your heart and makes you a little teary eyed too. (PS: I do not really think nurses are evil, but it's nice to put the blame on them when you're getting the look of complete mistrust. Thanks for taking that blow nurses!)
Frankincense. I use this right after the lavender has absorbed into the skin. Frankincense is great for healing broken skin and swelling. Plus it is just an amazing oil and the lavender/frankincense combo is something I use on my children on a regular basis. This one is not necessary, lavender will do the trick  for all of these things but like I said, I am in love with frankincense so if I have a reason to use it, I do.
You may also want to consider Helichrysum if you have a bleeder. My kids aren't really bleeders so I don't use it in this case usually.
Cilantro. This oil helps the body rid itself of heavy metals. Vaccines contain heavy metals. We don't want those in our bodies and they  an throw everything off. I apply this to the feet once or twice a day for about two days after vaccines.
Peppermint. Sometimes vaccines can cause fevers. Applying peppermint oil to the bottom of the feet and/or back of neck really helps get fevers lower and under control. Of course if their fever gets too high and you can't get it to come down quickly, seek professional help, especially for infants.
Geranium. Sometimes vaccines can cause nasty bruises. Those deep, knotty, extremely painful ones. Geranium can help with that but lavender can as well so choose whatever you like.
I am usually putting lavender on the injection site a  couple of times a day until I don't feel it's needed anymore.

Notes: Always be sure to properly dilute essential oils, especially on infants, children and elderly. If you need help with dilution, there is really good information in the Modern Essentials book.
Essential oils are potent and only require small amounts to be effective. Please do not dump all of these oils on you or anyone else at one time. Use what you need when you need it and you will get the best results!
Always make sure you are using pure essential oils, I use doTERRA. If you have more questions about essential oils and doTERRA, please contact me or click here.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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