Monday, May 4, 2015

The Difference

I want to take a minute to tell you guys why I chose dōTERRA to be the essential oil company for my family.

When it comes to choosing a company, especially in network marketing, you are always going to be bombarded with a ton of information on why this company is the best and why you should choose them. What you need to do is find the company that identifies with you the most. For me, that was dōTERRA and I want to tell you why I love this company. No, let me rephrase that, I want to tell you why I am passionate about this company!

When I was trying to find an essential oil company or brand for my family and I, I did a lot of research. At the time the thing that was important to me was purity. I knew that it was hard to find pure essential oils and that was what I wanted.

I found dōTERRA. They are committed to having only the purest, safest oils on the market. Not only that, they go a step further insuring that they are the most potent as well. They do this through ensuring that their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG®). At first, this didn’t mean much to me. CPTG® is a trademark to dōTERRA so at first I thought that it didn’t really mean anything. Most essential oil companies have a trademark grade of what their oils are. The FDA, or any other governing source, does not grade essential oils like other things such as meats. There isn’t much monitoring when it comes to essential oils at all actually, so let me explain to you why CPTG® started meaning something to me. It is because of the standards and tests that the oils have to pass in order to be labeled CPTG®. So, it’s not so much the label that is impressive, to me anyway, it is the road that leads to the label that is impressive. I will write another post all about the testing standards that dōTERRA’s oils must pass before they are sold, and when I do I will link that here. But that is just a reason on why I fell in love with dōTERRA and we’re talking about what made me passionate about this company, remember?

Another thing that dōTERRA is committed to is having potent, high quality oils on top of being pure. They ensure that the plants that produce these essential oils are well taken care of. Meaning they are planted, cultivated and harvested at the right time to ensure that the highest quality of oil comes from the plant materials. If you are a gardener, or understand how fresh produce works, or have done some homework on plants, you get why this is important. Most of us understand the difference of eating a peach (or any other type of produce) that isn’t ready to be eaten or is past it’s glory days. This stuff is important! And it is important that the growers take care of their plants in such a way that a new crop can grow after they harvest. Sustainability guys, it matters. Yet, again, we’re getting off track. Just another reason why I love dōTERRA.

Do you want to know why I am passionate about this company? Have I dragged this out long enough with all this goodness that I just can’t keep to myself? I think so.
dōTERRA became my essential oil company because of their purity. I fell in love because of their standards for testing and sustainability. They earned my respect and passion because of their integrity and compassion for others.
I purchased an enrollment kit, I got an introductory packet telling me all about the company and its founders. I loved my oils, I started purchasing more and more and I was impressed. I loved how they made me feel, I felt good about my choice of company, but the moment I knew, I mean I really knew that I had become a part of something so great, was at my first convention.

I was sitting there in a stadium with over 18,000 other people and some presenters came on stage who did a great job. They got us really excited, talked about some awesome things that the company was doing and that was all great. Then Emily Wright came on stage. She is one of the founders of dōTERRA. She tried to start talking but she could not contain her tears of joy and she was fighting for words. I mean this guys, she was a mess. A beautiful, honest, squeeze you right in the feels, make you want to cry along with her, mess. She did eventually get through those tears enough to tell us how grateful she was for each and every one of us and how she never could have imagined these things coming true and the impact that we as Wellness Advocates were making in the world. She kept thanking us for that and the opportunity we were all creating and it was HONEST. That is really hard to come by nowadays. This was really the first time I had heard much about the Healing Hands Foundation and what they do. This is dōTERRA’s charity organization and after this convention I went home and did a little more research on what they do. I loved everything I saw and read. I came down with the Emily disease and just cried because of how grateful I am to be apart of something so great. Even if my part, right now, is extremely small.

“Healing Hands seeks to bring healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and to ultimately empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant.” -excerpt from the Healing Hands Mission

dōTERRA does something they call cō-impact sourcing. In short, cō-impact sourcing provides a steady, high quality oil for us as the consumers and a steady, fair paycheck for the growers. dōTERRA works closely with their growers to ensure that not only is the oil being produced is the highest of quality, but that those who are growing and caring for the plants have a better quality of life as well.
Here is a video about sourcing Vetiver oil and how the improved the lives of the growers in Haiti by helping them get clean drinking water for their village.

Right now, in the month of May 2015, the Healing Hands Foundation is raising money for relief in Nepal and dōTERRA is going to match those donations up to $500,000. Every cent going to those in need.

The Healing Hands Foundation is an amazing charity from a wonderful company who truly cares about people. If you would like more information about the Healing Hands Foundation or about other projects that they have done and upcoming projects as well, check out I suggest having tissues ready and maybe not be wearing mascara that gets all in your eyes and all over your face when you cry. I may be speaking from experience here. From the link you can find more information or donate if you do not have a wholesale account. If you do have a wholesale account and are not sure how to donate, please contact me! I'll show you the many ways of how you can donate.

The love, the caring, the support, the commitment to making this world a better place that dōTERRA has is what makes me so passionate about this company. I am proud to be a part of such a positive movement, even if my part is small right now. dōTERRA is changing the lives of so many every day in such a positive way. From providing us as consumers with high quality products that work, to giving financial freedom and allowing us to accomplish our dreams to it’s distributors, to providing help and care to those who need it to become self reliant, and in so, so many other ways, dōTERRA is changing lives, and that is a movement I can get behind. I have loved every step on this journey. That, to me, is the dōTERRA difference.

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