Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Lavender, The Queen of Oils.

Oh Lavender, how I love you so!
If I had to choose one essential oil to use (gasp! the horror!) I would choose Lavender.
I use Lavender every single day on myself and on my children in multiple ways!
Most of us are familiar with Frankincense being deemed the King of Oils, which is true, it is an amazing oil! Check out some more information here about Frankincense.
While I am betting that some people would argue that Melissa would be the Queen of essential oils, I have to beg to differ. I pair Lavender and Frankincense together quite often, so it would only make sense that if Frankincense is King, Lavender would be Queen, right?

I use Lavender for everything. Here is what the book Modern Essentials: Sixth Edition, says the common primary uses for Lavender essential oil are:

Phew! That's a lot, right? Here are some things that I use Lavender for on a regular basis:
  • In my hair. I straighten and blow dry my hair so I have really dry ends. I spray Lavender (and sometimes Geranium if I can stomach the smell) on my hair. It helps keep it smooth and silky with less dead ends!
  • As a perfume. I love the way Lavender smells! So after I'm done spraying it on my hair, I'll continue spraying on to my clothes. BONUS: Lavender is great for relieving stress and helping keep you calm. Not only does it smell wonderful but it makes me a nicer person AND it makes those around me nicer as well. I'm doing a public service here, really.
  • In a bath. I love baths. Add some epsom salts and some Lavender oil (Some times I step it up a notch to Serenity oil, doTERRA's calming blend that contains Lavender and other relaxing oils) and I am one happy mom!
  • Before bed. I use lavender oil on my kids every night before bed. I either massage it onto their feet, chest, back or diffuse it in their room. I mainly put it on the bottoms of their feet, but I do the other options as well from time to time.
  • Teething. Oh. My. Lord. This oil has saved me some stressful nights with a teething baby! It seems like my youngest daughter (who is about 1 1/2) has been teething constantly since she was about 6 months old. I just rub it on her cheeks/jawbone and it helps with the pain as well as helping relax her! Such a win. Also consider peppermint oil for teething babies who have high fevers. Peppermint oil helps lower fevers. Amber necklaces are also great for teething babies!
  • First-Aid. Cuts, scrapes, burns, bumps/bruises, bug bites/stings: Lavender. Taken care of. My children are extremely accident prone. They may get that from me but I am not admitting to anything. I am constantly putting Lavender on them (and maybe myself too) for first aid reasons. Lavender is an analgesic, anti- fungal, anti-infections, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and sedative, among many other things. This means that it can help reduce pain, bring down swelling and prevent infections. However, be careful using it on deep cuts or anything that you want to stop bleeding. It is also an anticoagulant so it can prevent the blood from clotting. This can be good in some cases but on deep cuts, you'll want to wait until the bleeding stops before applying Lavender. Helichrysum oil is great for stopping bleeding, in case you'd like to know.
  • Sunburns. I felt this should be separate from the first-aid notice because a lot of people don't think of sunburns in the same way as burns from fire, touching something hot or spilling hot liquid on yourself. I didn't for a long time either. Lavender is great for relieving pain associated with sunburns and helps your skin recover faster. The sooner you can get Lavender on a burn after it has happened, the faster it is going to work. I have put Lavender on burns and sunburns immediately after they happened and they went away so fast, I barely remembered that a burn had occurred. I've also waited multiple days after the burn. It helps speed up the healing process either way.
  • Stress Reliever. Lavender is calming and relaxing. It helps me keep a level head when I am too overwhelmed with everything. Especially at night. You know when you lay in bed and you remember everything you were supposed to do that day and everything you're supposed to do tomorrow and you're contemplating the world and the meaning of life when all you want to do is sleep? Yeah, Lavender helps with that.
Here is a dōTERRA blog about Lavender Essential oil.

Lavender is great for so many things and those are just a few of the reasons I use Lavender on a regular basis.
So three cheers for the Queen! I bow in your greatness, Lavender.

How do you like to use Lavender oil?
Did you see something here that caught your eye and now you want to try it?
If you need a sample of Lavender, contact me! I'd be happy to get you hooked on this wonderful oil :)

*These statements have not been approved by the FDA. dōTERRA products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease
**Some of these statements may be based on opinion and personal experience. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your physician before starting the use of essential oils.

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