Monday, April 6, 2015

What Happened To My Life When I Had Kids

My life completely changed when I had kids. I think that is the case for most parents, and man is it true for me. Not only did my life change, but I changed. That’s right, I’ll admit it. I changed. I am a way different person now, than I was just 4 years ago, and I’ll probably be quite different in another 4 years. I’m okay with that. Change is good, especially for me, I love it.
There seems to be a negative connotation around change.
“You’ve changed.” That’s rarely said without negativity behind it, am I right? I came across a quote in one of my Pinterest ventures that I really liked:


Dang. That’s true. I used to think I hadn’t changed, I was still the same person I was when I befriended those people when this was said to me, but then I realized, I did change. I fell in love with someone I never expected to. Quickly. And we had a baby together. Then another. We’ve made a family. We’ve built a life together. That’s huge, and it’s changed me. And in my opinion, for the better. So here are some changes I’ve made in my life and if I had not had my kids, I’m betting these things would not have happened.

I realized that my health mattered.
This really started when I got pregnant with my first daughter and has grown (and is still growing) from there. I was creating a life in my body! A whole new human being! Some take this lightly, but I didn’t. I wanted to start her off right. I didn’t want any health issues she may have to be my fault. Something I could have prevented if I had only done so-and-so when I was pregnant or when she was young. I’m glad I took that step to bettering my health for her, and I wish I knew then what I know now, because I could have done better. I’m sure I’ll say the same thing years from now, too. Before her, I viewed health as a silly thing. I wanted to enjoy my life. How could I do that when I was watching what I was putting in my body and taking everything that is fun out of the equation? Now, even as I wrote that, I realize how ridiculous that thought was! Getting on the path to health has made me not only feel extremely better, but I enjoy life MORE now. Silly that I thought eating junk that somehow passes as food/drink, smoking, and various other things were what made me enjoy life. It wasn’t those things that brought me joy and I am so grateful that I realized that fairly young.

I cherish every moment I spend with my children.
Look, being a parent is hard. It is frustrating. It can be downright disgusting but most of all, it is rewarding. I have tough days. I have days that I feel like I just need a break. I think that is totally normal. In reality though, my little ladies bring me so much joy I never could have possibly experienced without them. Watching and helping them learn about the world, how every little thing is fascinating, that is just the best. Every smile, hug, kiss, every "I love you, Mom", is the most amazing feeling I could ever ask for. Feeling the love that these tiny humans have for me, even if they're screaming bloody murder or creating the biggest, most disgusting mess no one should ever have to clean up, that love is indescribable. It makes all the hard times seem to insignificant.

I have goals.
I never really had goals growing up, not big ones anyway. I never had a career that I was really interested in. I was just going through the day to day motions of getting by and “living”. Doing what we’re supposed to do. But when I had kids, that changed. I wanted better for them, I wanted better for myself. Who says we have to end up at a job? Who says we have to be normal? Yes, now I have goals. I have career goals, I have health and fitness goals, I have travel goals, I have family goals and I work toward them every single day.

So yes, my life has changed. I have changed. And I’m proud of it. I worked really hard for it, actually. My life and I have changed for the better because of these little girls and it keep changing indefinitely. That means I’ve lost and will lose friends along the way. My opinions and thoughts will change along the way. Everything changes, and that’s okay. The point in life to me is to do what you love and to be a good person. Right now, I’m pretty darn happy with who I am, where my life is and where it’s headed.

These little ladies are by far the best, most encouraging, and beautiful things that have ever happened in my life. I am so happy I get to watch these beauties learn and grow!



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